The Biometric Validation Object


_id - ObjectId - Required A unique identifier for this specific object.

status - String - Required Indicates the current status of the event. In this case, it is "failed". Possible values include success, failed, etc.

type - String - Required Defines the type of the event. This example has "login", but other types might be possible depending on the context.

livenessScore - Number - Optional A score representing the liveness detection during the event. Defaults to 0 if not specified.

requires2FA - Boolean - Optional A flag that indicates whether two-factor authentication (2FA) is required. Defaults to false.

client - ObjectId - Required Reference to the client associated with this event. This is a required field.

project - ObjectId - Required A reference to the project associated with this event.

projectFlow - ObjectId - Optional A reference to the specific project flow this event follows.

livenessSession - ObjectId - Optional A reference to the liveness session associated with this event.

url - String - Optional The URL where related resources or logs can be accessed. In this example, it is "", but this would be populated with a valid URL once defined.

updatedAt - Date - Required Timestamp of when this object was last updated. This is automatically generated and must follow ISO 8601 format.

createdAt - Date - Required Timestamp of when this object was created. This is automatically generated and must follow ISO 8601 format.

The BiometricValidation object

  "_id": "65d39b294177f703fd93f636",
  "status": "failed",
  "type": "login",
  "livenessScore": 0,
  "requires2FA": false,
  "client": "613375a1eab2fe08527f81e2",
  "project": "6266193db77ccc8111730c90",
  "projectFlow": "658ed28b0990f300134d7b78",
  "livenessSession": "65d39b294177f703fd93f634",
  "url": "<url>",
  "updatedAt": "2024-02-19T18:17:13.909Z",
  "createdAt": "2024-02-19T18:17:13.909Z",
  "__v": 0