The AppRegistration object
client - ObjectId - Required Reference to the Client object associated with this registration.
project - ObjectId - Required Reference to the Project object related to this registration.
projectFlow - ObjectId - Required Reference to the ProjectFlow object defining the flow of this registration.
smartLink - ObjectId - Optional Reference to the OneTimeLink object associated with a single-use link for this registration.
status - String - Required Status of the registration process. Possible values:
email - String - Optional Email address provided for this registration.
countryCode - String - Optional Country code associated with the phone number.
phone - String - Optional Phone number provided for this registration.
name - String - Optional Name of the person being registered.
currentStep - String - Required Indicates the current step in the registration process.
informationValidation - ObjectId - Optional Reference to the InformationValidation object related to validation checks.
emailValidation - ObjectId - Optional Reference to the EmailValidation object for email verification.
phoneValidation - ObjectId - Optional Reference to the PhoneValidation object for phone verification.
biometricValidation - ObjectId - Optional Reference to the BiometricValidation object for biometric verification.
person - ObjectId - Optional Reference to the Person object associated with this registration.
assignedCollection - ObjectId - Optional Reference to the Collection object where the registration is stored.
documentValidation - ObjectId - Optional Reference to the DocumentValidation object for document verification.
face - ObjectId - Optional Reference to an IdentityImage object representing the face for verification.
documentFace - ObjectId - Optional Reference to an IdentityImage object representing the document face for verification.
compareFaceVerification - ObjectId - Optional Reference to a FaceVerification object for comparing the face with document data.
cryptoValidation - ObjectId - Optional Reference to the CryptoValidation object for cryptocurrency validation checks.
formSubmission - ObjectId - Optional Reference to the FormSubmission object for form submission details.
signature - ObjectId - Optional Reference to the Signature object, which will be encrypted.
redFlags - Number - Optional Indicates the number of red flags raised during the registration. Default:
redFlagsDetails - Object - Optional Object to store detailed information about red flags if applicable.
language - String - Required Language preference for this registration. Default:
accessControlLog - ObjectId - Optional Reference to the AccessControlLog object for tracking access attempts.
failedEmailValidations - Array of ObjectIds - Optional List of failed EmailValidation objects.
failedPhoneValidations - Array of ObjectIds - Optional List of failed PhoneValidation objects.
failedBiometricValidations - Array of ObjectIds - Optional List of failed BiometricValidation objects.
failedDocumentValidations - Array of ObjectIds - Optional List of failed DocumentValidation objects.
notes - String - Optional Additional notes or comments related to this registration.