Create new token & revoke previous tokens

Expire and Renew Token (POST)

This service performs two actions when used:

  1. Expires all tokens that were previously generated using any of the other mentioned services.

  2. Creates an entirely new token. This token expires in 30 days, like a normal Verifik token.

You only need to provide a valid token, and the service will do the rest. Note that after using this service, the only useful token will be the one generated by this service.

Use this service if you feel that one of the tokens you have created is being used by someone else, or if you cannot be sure that you and your team are the only ones using the Verifik services.





You must provide a token that is still valid, meaning it can still be used to make queries.

    "Authorization": "<token>"

Successful Response (All tokens will expire, and a new token is generated)

  "token": "string"

Last updated