🇺🇾 UruguayService to consult citizens of Uruguay using the CC (Citizenship Card).
Uruguayan Citizen Information
GET - https://api.verifik.co/v2/uy/cedula
This Uruguay service allows you to verify the validity of a Uruguayan ID card using the document type CCUY and the provided document number along with the date of birth. In addition to validating the document, you can obtain detailed information such as the full name, first names, and last names of the person associated with the given document number.
Query Parameters
JavaScript Python Swift PHP
Copy import axios from 'axios' ;
const options = {
method : 'GET' ,
url : '<https://api.verifik.co/v2/uy/cedula>' ,
params : { documentNumber : '123456789' , documentType : 'CCUY' , dateOfBirth : '20/02/1978' } ,
headers : {
Accept : 'application/json' ,
Authorization : 'jwt <tu_token>'
try {
notFou const { data } = await axios .request (options);
console .log (data);
} catch (error) {
console .error (error);
Copy import requests
options = {
'method' : 'GET' ,
'url' : 'https://api.verifik.co/v2/uy/cedula' ,
'params' : { 'documentNumber' : '123456789' , 'documentType' : 'CCUY' , 'dateOfBirth' : '20/02/1978' },
'headers' : {
'Accept' : 'application/json' ,
'Authorization' : 'jwt <tu_token>'
try :
response = requests.request(options['method'], options['url'], params=options['params'], headers=options['headers'])
data = response . json ()
print (data)
except Exception as error :
print (error)
Copy import Foundation
let url = URL ( string : "https://api.verifik.co/v2/uy/cedula" ) !
var request = URLRequest ( url : url )
request.httpMethod = "GET"
request. setValue ( "application/json" , forHTTPHeaderField : "Accept" )
request. setValue ( "jwt <tu_token>" , forHTTPHeaderField : "Authorization" )
let params: [ String : String ] = [ "documentNumber" : "123456789" , "documentType" : "CCUY" , "dateOfBirth" : "20/02/1978" ]
let queryItems = params. map { URLQueryItem ( name : $0.key, value : $0. value ) }
var urlComponents = URLComponents ( url : url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL : false ) !
urlComponents.queryItems = queryItems
request. url = urlComponents. url
let task = URLSession.shared. dataTask ( with : request ) { data, response, error in
if let error = error {
print ( error )
guard let data = data else { return }
do {
let json = try JSONSerialization. jsonObject ( with : data, options : [] )
print ( json )
} catch {
print ( error )
task. resume ()
Copy <? php
$options = [
'http' => [
'header' => [
'Accept: application/json' ,
'Authorization: jwt <tu_token>'
] ,
'method' => 'GET' ,
$context = stream_context_create ( $options ) ;
$url = 'https://api.verifik.co/v2/uy/cedula?documentNumber=123456789&documentType=CCUY&dateOfBirth=20/02/1978' ;
try {
$data = file_get_contents ( $url , false , $context ) ;
echo $data;
} catch ( Exception $error) {
echo $error -> getMessage () ;
200 404 409 409
Copy {
"data" : {
"arrayName" : [
] ,
"dateOfBirth" : "1973-03-03" ,
"documentNumber" : "12345678909876" ,
"documentType" : "CCUY" ,
"firstName" : "MATEO" ,
"fullName" : "MATEO VERIFIK" ,
"lastName" : "VERIFIK"
} ,
"signature" : {
"dateTime" : "July 3, 2024 3:24 PM" ,
"message" : "Certified by Verifik.co"
} ,
"id" : "YOESE"
Copy {
"code" : "NotFound" ,
"message" : "Record not found." ,
"signature" : {
"dateTime" : "August 31, 2022 3:24 PM" ,
"message" : "Certified by Verifik.co"
Copy {
"code" : "MissingParameter" ,
"message" : "missing documentType\n. missing documentNumber\n"
Copy {
"code" : "MissingParameter" ,
"message" : "documentType must be one of: [CCUY]"