Background Check🌎 International🌎 FBI Background CheckService for querying criminal records with the FBI.
This API enables businesses and organizations to verify whether an individual or document appears in the FBI database. By providing a document type, document number, or full name, users can retrieve information about the individual, including their full name, first name, and last name, if a match is found. This service is ideal for verifying the authenticity of documents and conducting detailed identity checks as part of compliance, security, or regulatory processes.
Query Parameters
Document type. Allowed values: CC,CE,PA,RC,TI,PEP,CCVE,NIT,CURP,DNI, CCEC.
Document number to consult, without spaces or points.
Instead of documentType and documentNumber, you can pass the name directly of the person/business.
JavaScript Python Swift PHP
Copy import axios from 'axios' ;
const options = {
method : 'GET' ,
url : '' ,
params : {documentType : 'CC' , documentNumber : '80251972' } ,
headers : {
Accept : 'application/json' ,
Authorization : 'jwt <tu_token>'
try {
const { data } = await axios .request (options);
console .log (data);
} catch (error) {
console .error (error);
Copy import http . client
conn = http . client . HTTPSConnection ( "" )
payload = ''
headers = {}
conn . request ( "GET" , "/v2/fbi?fullName=" , payload, headers)
res = conn . getresponse ()
data = res . read ()
print (data. decode ( "utf-8" ))
Copy var request = URLRequest ( url : URL ( string : "" ) ! ,timeoutInterval : Double . infinity )
request.httpMethod = "GET"
let task = URLSession.shared. dataTask ( with : request ) { data, response, error in
guard let data = data else {
print ( String ( describing : error ))
print ( String ( data : data, encoding : . utf8 ) ! )
task. resume ()
Copy <? php
require_once 'HTTP/Request2.php' ;
$request = new HTTP_Request2 ();
$request -> setUrl ( '' ) ;
$request -> setMethod ( HTTP_Request2 :: METHOD_GET ) ;
$request -> setConfig ( array (
'follow_redirects' => TRUE
) ) ;
try {
$response = $request -> send () ;
if ($response -> getStatus () == 200 ) {
echo $response -> getBody () ;
else {
echo 'Unexpected HTTP status: ' . $response -> getStatus () . ' ' .
$response -> getReasonPhrase () ;
catch ( HTTP_Request2_Exception $e) {
echo 'Error: ' . $e -> getMessage () ;
200 404 409
Copy {
"data" : {
"documentType" : "CC" ,
"documentNumber" : "80251972" ,
"firstName" : "WILVER" ,
"lastName" : "VILLEGAS PALOMINO" ,
"arrayName" : [
] ,
"foundInFBI" : true ,
"urlFBI" : "<>"
} ,
"signature" : {
"dateTime" : "June 28, 2022 12:36 PM" ,
"message" : "Certified by"
Copy {
"code" : "NotFound" ,
"message" : "Record not found." ,
"signature" : {
"dateTime" : "August 31, 2022 3:24 PM" ,
"message" : "Certified by"
Copy {
"code" : "MissingParameter" ,
"message" : "missing documentType\n. missing documentNumber\n"
Use Cases
Identity Verification: Ensure that documents presented by individuals are valid and consistent with FBI records.
Compliance: Meet regulatory requirements by conducting thorough background checks on individuals involved in sensitive transactions.
Fraud Prevention: Protect your business by verifying individuals' identities before establishing relationships or processing critical operations.