The Canadian Company Information provide detailed information about businesses registered in Canada. While the example provided pertains to a business in the province of British Columbia (BC), this service can be used for businesses in most provinces of Canada. It is a valuable resource for obtaining essential details about businesses, including their names and locations.
{"data": {"business":"AIR CANADA","businessNumber":"779824879","businessType":"BC Company","compayName":"AA CANADA AIR CARGO INC.","country": ["CA" ],"province":"BC","regOfficeCity":"Vancouver","regOfficeProvince":"BC","registryId":"BC1217527","status":"Active","statusDate":"2019-07-25" },"signature": {"dateTime":"September 19, 2023 5:17 PM","message":"Certified by" },"id":"niq5c"}
{"code":"NotFound","message":"No existe contribuyente asociado a la CUIT ingresada","signature": {"dateTime":"February 21, 2024 7:52 PM","message":"Certified by"}}