Service to query Brazilian companies using the CNPJ (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica).
Brazilian Company Information
GET - https://api.verifik.co/v2/br/company
The Brazilian Company Information service provides information on Brazilian companies, including their legal nature, main and secondary activities, share capital, shareholders, status, and more. The service returns responses that include the company's name, tax ID, address, phone number, email, and other details.
This service is useful for businesses looking to verify information about potential partners or customers in Brazil, or for researchers looking to study the Brazilian business landscape.
Name | Value |
Content-Type |
Authorization |
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Required? | Description | Example |
documentType | String |
| Document type. Allowed value: CNPJ. |
documentNumber | String |
| Document number of the company to be queried. The number must be 14 digits, without spaces, dashes, or special characters. |
Last updated