Service for querying Spanish companies using their NIF (Tax Identification Number).
Spanish company information
The Spanish Business Information Service allows you to obtain precise details about a company registered in Spain using its NIF (Tax Identification Number). By providing the NIF, the service returns information such as the company's address, business name, CNAE code (National Classification of Economic Activities), constitution date, document number and type, legal form, phone number, SIC code (Standard Industrial Classification), and social purpose.
{"data": {"address":"CTRA. MOCEJON, S/N 45280, OLIAS DEL REY, TOLEDO","businessName":"PANADERIA MILAGROS DIAZ SL","cnae":"1072 Fabricación de galletas y productos de panadería y pastelería de larga duración","constitutionDate":"20 años, 7 meses y 14 dias","documentNumber":"B45549201","documentType":"CIF","legalForm":"SOCIEDAD LIMITADA","phone":"925490311","sic":"2052 GALLETAS Y AFINES", "socialObject": "LA FABRICACION Y COMERCIALIZACION DE PRODUCTOS DE PANADERIA Y OTROS DERIVADOS TALES COMO BOLLERIA Y PASTELERIA. LA"
},"signature": {"dateTime":"August 5, 2024 4:54 PM","message":"Certified by" },"id":"ZJ0Q8"}
{"code":"NotFound","message":"No existe contribuyente asociado a la CUIT ingresada","signature": {"dateTime":"February 21, 2024 7:52 PM","message":"Certified by"}}