🌎DEA Background Check
Service for querying criminal records with the DEA.
DEA Background Check
GET - https://api.verifik.co/v2/dea
This service allows users to check if an individual's full name, document type, and document number are listed in the DEA watchlist. The service returns a boolean flag indicating whether the individual is found in the watchlist, along with a URL to access the DEA's official record of the individual, if applicable. This service is useful for verifying if individuals are on the DEA's watchlist for compliance and regulatory purposes.
Name | Value |
Content-Type |
Authorization |
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Required? | Description | Example |
documentType | String |
| Document type. Allowed values: CC,CE,PA,RC,TI,PEP,CCVE,NIT,CURP,DNI, CCEC. |
documentNumber | String |
| Document number to consult, without spaces or points. |
Last updated