The Project object


name - String - Required

Name that you want to put to the project.

allowedCountries - String - Required

Countries where your project will be used, there must be defined properly otherwise Verifik can't send OTP to this countries.

branding- Object- Optional

Object to represent a brand using Verifik UI. It has the following params:

  • bgColor

  • borderColor

  • txtColor

  • titleColor

  • logo

contactEmail - String - Optional

Email for manage your project, this must be real and have an inbox

privacyUrl- String - Optional

URL where users will be redirected if they use Verifik UI if you want to show legal information.

termsAndConditionsUrl - String - Optional

URL where users will be redirected if they use Verifik UI if you want to show legal information.

dataProtection- Object- Optional

Object to add information related to information about who's making the project. It has the folowing parameters:

  • name

  • email

  • address

  • address2

  • city

  • country

  • postalCode

The Project object

  "branding": {
    "bgColor": "#ffffff",
    "borderColor": "#B2BDD3",
    "txtColor": "#212121",
    "titleColor": "#FFFFFF",
    "logo": "<ónDeIdentidad_1702305468459-image.jpeg>"
  "allowedCountries": [
  "name": "Ejemplo Documentacion Verifik",
  "contactEmail": "",
  "privacyUrl": "<>",
  "termsAndConditionsUrl": "<>",
  "dataProtection": {
    "name": "Verifik",
    "email": "",
    "address": "KR 7 # 33 - 42",
    "address2": null,
    "city": "Bogota",
    "country": "Colombia",
    "postalCode": "111631"

Last updated