🇨🇴Comptroller Certificate
Service to generate a certificate of background from the comptroller's office using the identification document.
Comptroller Certificate
GET - https://api.verifik.co/v2/co/contraloria/certificado
The comptroller certificate service enables you to verify a certificate of good standing issued by the Colombian Comptroller's Office. By providing the document type and number, you can receive the search date and a base64-encoded PDF of the certificate. This service is ideal for quickly confirming the good standing status of a Colombian company or individual.
Name | Value |
Content-Type |
Authorization |
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Required? | Description | Example |
documentType | String |
| Type of document. Valid parameters: CC, CE, PA, PEP. |
documentNumber | String |
| Document number of the person to consult, without spaces or points. |
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