The Webhook object

The webhooks are used to send information from our backend to your backend via an URL that you can set up during the creation of a project/projectFlow.


client - ObjectId - Required Reference to the client associated with the webhook. This is a required field that links the webhook to a specific client.

projectFlow - Array of ObjectId - Optional Array of references to ProjectFlow objects. If no project flows are provided, this field defaults to an empty array.

statistics - Object - Optional Stores statistical data related to the webhook. By default, this field is an empty object {}.

isActive - Boolean - Required Indicates whether the webhook is active. This is a required field and must be set to either true or false.

name - String - Required The name of the webhook. This is a required field and must be provided as a string.

url - String - Required The URL endpoint that the webhook will send notifications to. This is a required field and must be provided as a valid string.

description - String - Optional A brief description of the webhook. This is an optional field and can be used to add more context or details about the webhook.

notification - Object - Optional Contains notification settings for the webhook. The object has the following optional sub-fields:

  • email - String - Optional Email address to which notifications will be sent.

  • success - Boolean - Optional Indicates whether to send notifications on successful events. Defaults to false.

  • fail - Boolean - Optional Indicates whether to send notifications on failure events. Defaults to true.

The Webhook object

  "client": "613a4b978482f60fd31bd7b7",
  "projectFlow": ["613a4b978482f60fd31bd7b8", "613a4b978482f60fd31bd7b9"],
  "statistics": {},
  "isActive": true,
  "name": "Payment Processor Webhook",
  "url": "",
  "description": "This webhook handles payment processing notifications.",
  "notification": {
    "email": "",
    "success": true,
    "fail": false

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