Service to query citations in the SIMIT using the offender's data.
The Traffic Citations Service provides detailed information about traffic citations associated with a specific vehicle in Colombia. By inputting the vehicle's license plate number, users can access comprehensive details about each citation, including its status, date, location, and the type of traffic violation.
This service is useful for generating traffic reports, analyzing violation trends, and ensuring compliance with traffic regulations. It's valuable for traffic enforcement agencies, insurance companies, and any organization involved in traffic management and analysis.
"data": {
"comparendos": [
"tipovehiculo": "AUTOMOVIL",
"estadoComparendo": "Pendiente",
"fechaComparendo": "2016/02/23",
"fotodeteccion": false,
"NúmeroComparendo": "2561200100015264662173",
"placavehiculo": "AAA123",
"secretariaComparendo": "Ricaurte",
"total": 344730,
"idOrganismoTransito": "25612123",
"codigoInfraccion": "C35",
"descripcionInfraccion": "No realizar la revisión técnico-mecánica en el plazo legal establecido o cuando el vehiculo no se encuentre en adecuadas condiciones técnico-mecánicas o de emisión de gases, aun cuando porte los certificados correspondientes.",
"direccionComparendo": "CARRERA 9 CON CALLE 10 AGUA DE DIOS",
"infractorComparendo": "CAR BER",
"serviciovehiculo": "Particular"
"signature": {
"dateTime": "February 13, 2023 6:17 AM",
"message": "Certified by"