Validate Biometric Validation
This endpoint is used to validate a biometric session based on liveness results or image data. The validation checks if the provided biometric data (such as an image) corresponds to the active session.
Base64 encoded image data used for biometric validation.
The operating system of the client device (e.g., "ios", "android").
Response Details
data.appLogin: Details about the login session created for the app:
_id: The unique identifier for the login session.
client: The unique identifier for the client.
name: The name of the person validated.
status: The current status of the session (e.g., "validated").
project: The ID of the project associated with this validation.
projectFlow: The flow ID for the project.
type: The type of biometric validation (e.g., "faceLiveness").
biometricValidation: The ID of the biometric validation used.
updatedAt: The timestamp when the session was last updated.
createdAt: The timestamp when the session was created.
face: The ID of the face validation associated with this session.
data.livenessSession: Details about the liveness session used for validation:
_id: The unique identifier for the liveness session.
client: The unique identifier for the client.
project: The project ID associated with the session.
identifier: The session identifier.
status: The status of the session (e.g., "active").
livenessResult: Results of the liveness check (array).
expiresAt: The expiry timestamp for the session.
createdAt: The timestamp when the session was created.
updatedAt: The timestamp when the session was last updated.
data.person: The ID of the person involved in the biometric validation.
data.token: A JWT token associated with the session.
signature: A signature confirming the biometric validation was certified by Verifik.
dateTime: The date and time the validation was certified.
message: The certification message.
Last updated